Tired of Feeling Outdated? Here’s How Style Goals Can Refresh Your Look!

How To Create Goals For Your Personal Style — Autum Love
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Photo by: Haute Stock

Ever feel like your wardrobe could use a pep talk? Or perhaps you’ve hit a style rut so deep, not even the trendiest TikTok tips can pull you out. Well, fear not! Today, we’re diving into the world of style goals, and trust me, it’s not just about keeping up with the fashion girlies.

Think about it: your style isn’t just what you wear; it’s your personal billboard to the world. It’s how you tell that barista who always gets your name wrong, or the team members who count on your leadership, just who they’re dealing with. And while we often hear about setting personal or professional goals (thanks, every motivational speaker ever), style goals tend to get the cold shoulder—left to shiver in the shadow of our “more important” ambitions.

But here’s a secret: integrating style goals with your broader life aspirations isn’t just smart; it’s a game-changer. These goals have a direct impact on your daily interactions and achievements. They can make the difference between feeling like you own the room or just blending into the wallpaper.

Whether you’re aiming to climb the corporate ladder, make new friends, or just improve your daily outfit photos for social media, setting style goals is a great way to express your personality and boost your confidence. So, grab a cup of your favorite coffee, and let’s get down to business—stylishly, of course.

What Exactly is a Style Goal?

Photo by: Haute Stock

Alright, let’s cut through the clutter of seasonal must-haves and fleeting fashion trends. A style goal is not about snagging every runway piece that makes it into your Instagram feed. Instead, it's about crafting a personal style that resonates with who you are and who you aim to be. It's a conscious decision to align your wardrobe with your life's trajectories—be it your career, social engagements, or personal growth.

Think of it as your wardrobe's mission statement. While fashion trends can guide you to what’s currently popular, a style goal is about creating a consistent and personal aesthetic that stands the test of time and serves your ambitions. It's the difference between buying clothes and building a wardrobe.

The Psychology Behind Dressing Intentionally

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Now, onto the brainy part—yes, your outfit choices can mess with your mind, in a good way! Dressing intentionally with a clear style goal in mind can turbo-boost your confidence and affect how others perceive you. This isn’t just fluff; there’s a heap of research backing up the psychological impact of our clothing choices. Known as "enclothed cognition," this concept suggests that what we wear can influence our psychological processes and behavioral tendencies. Ever noticed how donning a sharp blazer or the right outfit for a special occasion can make you feel more powerful, capable, or just plain fabulous? That’s enclothed cognition at work!

Moreover, aligning your attire with your personal growth goals can act as a daily reaffirmation of your ambitions. Whether you’re dressing to impress in a new job or to project a more vibrant, outgoing persona at social events, your clothes can be a tool to help manifest those goals. Each piece of clothing, then, becomes a building block not just in your wardrobe, but in the life you are actively constructing.

Linking Style Goals to Personal Objectives

Photo By: megan-ruth

Have you ever thought about why superheroes choose capes and suits as their uniforms? It’s not just about aesthetics; it's about embodying the role they intend to play. Similarly, your wardrobe can be your costume of power, preparation, and purpose, perfectly tuned to your life’s ambitions.

Example 1: The Aspiring Manager

  • Personal Goal: Enhance professional image in a new managerial role.

  • Style Goal: Curate a wardrobe that reflects leadership and professionalism.

Imagine you’ve just landed a managerial position. You want to project authority and confidence but also approachability—key traits of a leader. This isn’t the time for those worn-out jeans or the comfy sneakers that scream casual Friday every day. Instead, you might opt for well-fitted blazers, tailored trousers, and polished shoes. Each piece doesn't just add to your style; it communicates that you are meticulous, decisive, and ready to lead. It’s about dressing not just for the job you have, but for the one you aspire to keep growing in.

photo by: megan-ruth

Example 2: The Network Builder

  • Personal Goal: Expand professional network at upcoming conferences.

  • Style Goal: Create a standout yet approachable ensemble that fosters connections. Meaning you will want to invest in more professional attire rather than solely focusing on your mundane everyday essentials.

Here’s where the strategic use of style can come into play. If you’re hitting the conference circuit with the aim to build connections, your outfit can be a conversation starter. Opt for something that features a touch of uniqueness—be it a bold color, an interesting accessory, or a memorable pair of glasses. Such elements not only make you more memorable but also more approachable, paving the way for new introductions and conversations.

Photo By: tamara-shchypchynska

Example 3: The Fresh Grad

  • Personal Goal: Land a dream job in a competitive field.

  • Style Goal: Assemble a versatile, interview-ready wardrobe that adapts to various company cultures.

For someone fresh out of college, making a good impression is critical. Here, a style goal might involve investing in a few key pieces that can be mixed and matched to suit different company vibes—from the ultra-formal to the creative startup. It's about showing that you can adapt and fit in, while still standing out.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Style Goals

Photo by: megan-ruth

Crafting style goals that truly reflect and enhance your personal aspirations requires a bit of introspection, imagination, and strategic planning.

First things first: let’s do a wardrobe audit. This isn’t just about figuring out what to keep or toss. It’s about understanding why certain pieces were your go-tos and why others collected dust. Grab your favorite beverage, and let’s get started:

  1. Identify the Hits: What items did you wear most often? Think about why these were favorites. Was it the comfort, the fit, or how they made you feel?

  2. Analyze the Misses: Look at the items that didn’t see the light of day. Were they impulse buys? Did they not fit your lifestyle or body type as you thought?

  3. Understand the Whys: Understanding the reasons behind these hits and misses will help you make more informed choices in the future.

Related Post: Why You Should Journal Your Daily Outfits

Visualizing Your Future Self

Now that you’ve looked back, it’s time to look forward. Who do you want to be, and how can your style help you become that person?

  1. Dream Big: Think about your goals for the upcoming year. Are you eyeing a promotion, planning to travel more, or hoping to make new friends? Envision the person who has already achieved these goals.

  2. Create a Style Vision Board: Use platforms like Instagram and Pinterest to gather images that resonate with your ideal style. This can be outfits, colors, or even lifestyles that align with your aspirations.

  3. Keep It Visible: Place your vision board somewhere you’ll see it daily to keep your style goals top of mind.

Learn how to create your style profile  inside of the Style Mastery workbook

How To Use Smart Goals For Your Personal Style

To ensure your style goals lead to real change, they should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Here’s how to apply this framework to your style ambitions:

  1. Specific: Be as detailed as possible. Instead of "dress better," aim for "incorporate more tailored pieces for a polished look." You can even go as far as actually listing out the item such as “incorporate more tailored pieces, like a black double breasted blazer.

  2. Measurable: Determine how you’ll gauge success. This could be wearing a thoughtfully chosen outfit six days a week or acquiring three new statement pieces each season.

  3. Achievable: Your goals should stretch your comfort zone but remain attainable. Ensure you have the time, resources, and commitment needed to achieve them.

  4. Relevant: Your style goals should align with your broader personal and professional objectives. If you’re aiming to become more authoritative in the workplace, your wardrobe should reflect that.

  5. Time-bound: Set deadlines. Having a target date creates a sense of urgency and helps maintain focus. For instance, "By next month, I will have revamped my work wardrobe."

How To Shop With Your Style Goals In Mind

  1. List It Out: Before you shop, make a list of what you need based on your style goals. Stick to this list to avoid impulse buys that don’t serve your objectives.

  2. Quality Over Quantity: Invest in high-quality pieces that not only last longer but also elevate your entire wardrobe. These are often more sustainable choices as well.

  3. Fit Is Everything: Make sure everything you buy fits well or can be easily altered. Proper fit is crucial to looking polished and put-together.

  4. Versatility Is Key: Choose items that can be styled in multiple ways and match well with what you already own. This maximizes the utility of each piece.

  5. Stay Focused: Keep your style vision board handy when you shop (even if it’s just on your phone). It’ll help keep your goals fresh in your mind and guide your selections

Assessing Your Current Wardrobe

Before adding anything new to your wardrobe, it’s essential to assess what you already have. This helps ensure that every new piece is a meaningful addition.

  1. Conduct a Wardrobe Audit: Every few months, review what you have. Identify gaps in your wardrobe, note which items are worn out, and consider what hasn’t been worn and why.

  2. Understand Your Staples: Recognize the staples of your wardrobe that serve you well and see if you need to duplicate any of these pieces in different styles or colors.

  3. Identify Missing Links: Look for ‘missing links’ in your wardrobe—pieces that could tie several outfits together or elevate your daily wear. For example, a great pair of shoes might make several of your outfits feel new again.

  4. Plan for Replacement: Make a plan for replacing worn-out essentials or upgrading items that don’t fit well or aren’t the right style anymore.

Photo By: Pixi Stock

Before Adding New Items Into Your Closet Ask Yourself These Questions

Every time you consider adding a new item to your wardrobe, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does this align with my style goals?

  • Will this integrate well with at least three items in my current wardrobe?

  • Is this an item of sufficient quality and fit?

  • Am I likely to wear this more than once?

Photo By: lauraoliveira

Further Blogpost To Guide You On Your Style Journey

Now that we've outlined how to set and pursue your style goals effectively, let's bring all these pieces together. Style isn't just about individual outfits but about creating a coherent identity that resonates through every thread you wear. Here’s how to keep building on the foundation we’ve laid today.

As you refine your wardrobe and align it more closely with your style goals, consider exploring additional resources to enhance your fashion journey:

  1. How to Get Dressed Faster: For those mornings when you're short on time but still want to look put-together, this post provides practical tips on organizing your wardrobe and planning outfits ahead of time. It’s all about efficiency without sacrificing style.

  2. Why You Should Consider Creating a Seasonal Color Palette: This guide will help you choose a color scheme that works for your skin tone and preferences, making outfit selections easier and ensuring that everything in your wardrobe works well together. It’s a game-changer for anyone looking to streamline their dressing process.

  3. How to Clean Your Wardrobe Quickly: Keeping your wardrobe in top condition is crucial for maintaining its functionality and longevity. This post offers quick, effective methods for decluttering and maintaining your clothes, so you can always find what you need and keep your garments looking their best.

  4. Join our  online forums or groups focused on fashion and personal development for more interaction and new ideas.

Disclaimer: This blogpost was originally published February 18, 2022 but was updated June 11, 2024


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